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Surviving Mars Free Download

Surviving Mars Free Download (v1011166)

Surviving Mars Games For PC -Welcome Home! The time has come to stake your claim on the Red Planet and build the first functioning human colonies on Mars! All you need are supplies, oxygen, decades of training, experience with sandstorms, and a can-do attitude to discover the purpose of those weird black cubes that appeared out of nowhere. With a bit of sprucing up, this place is going to be awesome! Surviving Mars is a sci-fi city builder all about colonizing Mars and surviving the process. Choose a space agency for resources and financial support before determining a location for your colony. Build domes and infrastructure, research new possibilities and utilize drones to unlock more elaborate ways to shape and expand your settlement. Cultivate your own food, mine minerals or just relax by the bar after a hard day’s work. Most important of all, though, is keeping your colonists alive. Not an easy task on a strange new planet.

Surviving Mars Directly Download

There will be challenges to overcome. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Are you ready? Mars is waiting for you. Main Features: Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your colonists. You really don’t want rolling blackouts in a city constructed in a place without oxygen.Each colonist is a unique individual with problems and strengths that influence the needs and behavior of the other colonists. Things can get really interesting if your chief scientists develops alcoholism after one too many long nights in the lab. Retro-futuristic super structures housing colonists, factories and commercial buildings with their own “neighborhood personality.” Create colonies that value science over everything else, while tired workers drink their pay away at a local bar, or attempt a utopia among the stars.Inspired by the classic sci-fi of Asimov and Clarke, Surviving Mars holds many secrets. During each playthrough players may encounter one of Mars’ individually crafted mysteries. Uncovering these secrets might bring your colony great fortune, or terrible ruin. What is that sphere that manifested itself outside colony HUB B, and is it friendly? Surviving Mars ?️

Surviving Mars ?

Unfortunately i cannot say this is a good game. From the beginning its always felt like it was missing some important mechanics, and i could never really put my finger on what. Every DLC partially fixed the issues, but i still could not figure out why this game bugged me so much despite how much i kept coming back to play it. The Trains DLC finally made me realize the problem: theres no automation controls. A feature that ANY colony manager sim game uses, this one is missing. A feature that often gets overlooked, which is probably why i didnt even notice that was the main problem for so long, is missing from this game. Why is that a big deal? There is no way to control where resources go on a macro scale. Local distribution isnt a problem because all drone hubs can reach the same depots, but once you start expanding outward you will find that almost all of your time will be keeping that remote area stockpiled with resources without completely draining another or having a lot of “dead” resources floating around that cannot be used due to how daisy-chaining depots works. The game also has a bad habit of introducing mechanics that sound like you are supposed to be messing with them early on but either is impossible due to the insane upfront cost of resources or the upkeep for those buildings is so high it drains you super fast. The amount of times ive gotten a tech in the tier3-4 row that i cannot possibly use until several HOURS of gameplay later is baffling. Buy From Official Steam Website



How To Download And Install

  • Click the (Download Button) above and you should be redirected to GamesDatabase.
  • Wait 5 seconds and click on the grey ‘download now’ button. Now let the download begin and wait for it to finish.
  • Once the game is done downloading, right click the .zip file and click on “Extract to” (To do this you must have 7-Zip or winrar, which you can get here).
  • Double click inside the Game folder and run the .exe application.
  • Thats all, enjoy the game! Make sure to run the game as (Administrator) and if you get any missing dll errors, look for a file named All In One Runtimes.exe run this and install it.



  • OS: Windows 7 64-bit or newer
  • Processor: 4th Generation Intel i3 CPU or equivalent
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: HD 4600/Geforce 620/Radeon 6450 or equivalent GPUs with 1 GB of video RAM
  • Storage: 6 GB available space

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