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Superfuse Free Download (v0.1.3 + Multiplayer)

If you’re a summoner/necro player and you just came to read this to find out if it’s worth it to get your walking simulator fix, the answer is yes? But no. AI is always a crucial part of the summoner build. You need your minions to be responsive to threats, target correctly, and have some option of repositioning. Those don’t really exist at the time of this review. You can certainly create a decent 20+ size unit army to follow you around but their AI is buggy at best. Sometimes units will just straight up treat enemies as if they’re not threats. They bug out and just stop attacking. Re-entering the area doesn’t fix this either. If you have ranged minions then your worst

enemy is stairs. they don’t shoot up so they will just be stuck in a shooting pattern into the stairs until their target moves or they do. You can force them to relocate by walking as far away as possible but let me tell you how tedious that gets. Customization thanks to fuses makes for a summoning experience that lets you choose your combat style which is a definite plus. Want all ranged minions with multiple projectiles that bounce everywhere? Yup, there’s a fuse for that. Speedy melee minions that can inflict status ailments? !

Superfuse Directly Download

It’s like an entirely different game is being played by some people. I’d have to write an essay to refute half of the claims that are outright incorrect due to players not understanding simple game systems. The game is rough around the edges, this is early access and a lot of stuff requires extra time and refinement to smooth out the experience. Expect an experience closer to D2 than D3 or PoE, albeit a bit unpolished. Visuals and performance are solid, movement/targeting and npc/quest ui need a bit of work at times. Played 3 hrs at time of review with a friend on US East servers. Lag didn’t exist and we had no desync. You can trade anything you find, even after wearing it a while.

Enemy variety was decent and each new area did introduce new enemy types and variants. The skill system was pretty enjoyable and, while limited early on, allowed from some unique combinations seldom seen in any early game ARPG. What’s here is a solid base to build upon and the game should be reviewed with the very early access state of the game in mind. This is much closer to an alpha – stuff works but it just needs more polish. We did not encounter any game breaking bugs or issues that limited our progress through about 4 zones and several sub areas. Everything worked, even if a bit janky at times.


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How To Download And Install

  • Click the (Download Button) above and you should be redirected to GamesDatabase.
  • Wait 5 seconds and click on the grey ‘download now’ button. Now let the download begin and wait for it to finish.
  • Once the game is done downloading, right click the .zip file and click on “Extract to” (To do this you must have 7-Zip or winrar, which you can get here).
  • Double click inside the Game folder and run the .exe application.
  • Thats all, enjoy the game! Make sure to run the game as (Administrator) and if you get any missing dll errors, look for a file named All In One Runtimes.exe run this and install it.



  • OS: Windows 10+
  • Processor: i5-6500 / AMD Ryzen 3 3300U or equivalent
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Geforce 1060 3GB / AMD Radeon RX 5600 or equivalent
  • Storage: 15 GB available space

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